Sunday, November 7, 2010

Unity is the answer!

Antony Loewenstein demonstrates the positives of blogging in his article “Bloggers of the world, unite” from Sydney Morning Herald published on the January 20, 2007. Loewenstein focuses on the deadly conflict between Israel and Lebanon. He quotes an Israeli blogger saying his thanks to the blogosphere, “we came to realise how alike we were culturally, as secularised, westernised residents of Beirut and Tel Aviv”. Proving that even though Governments whom are forbidding their civilians from interacting with the ‘enemy’ they find a common level.

Blogs allow common people to voice an “independent opinion and regularly incur the [rage] of government censors.

Blogging in Western countries has become very popular and almost second nature. The freedoms to speak your mind on issues that concern the blogger are encouraged.

This medium of the media helps us as recipients to interact with people around the world in finding an answer to what makes every one tick.

However i agree with Loewenstein in saying that some blogs try and be journalist without any credentials, lacking bias or factual and primary evidence. Though I stay true to what I believe, that you as a citizen are without a doubt allowed to voice your opinion, though in saying this we cannot stem from that what we officially call news.

“Bloggers of the world, unite” (Loewenstein 2007)

Monday, November 1, 2010

Citizen Journalism...

Citizen journalism is quite simplistic and candid in theory. Na just kidding… but seriously its really to the point. Actually you might even do it. So pretty much you know when you login into Facebook and may post on your status or on someone else’s wall about something like ‘OMG did you hear that Lily Alien had a miscarriage at 6 months’ (heavy I know) or ‘Kings of Leon have come out on their new music video and they are have premiered it on YouTube’ then attaching a link or even posting about the announcement about the line up for good vibes. That there is citizen journalism. But not only on Facebook, also on YouTube, MySpace (if people actually use it still), Twitter, blogs etc.

Now in technical terms it can be defined by independent reporting. “Citizen journalism is when private individuals do essentially what professional reporters do”. The information in which was privately reported by individuals are expressed through various mediums such as video streaming like YouTube, Podcasts, blog posts including text or audio and visual components.

Cool kids I hope that helped you on the insight of citizen journalism